You are a Vibrational Being Living in a Vibrational Universe.
Your nature as a highly sensitive soul uses your physical body-mind-emotional complex and telepathic abilities to touch, feel, smell, see, to intuitively navigate and experience this world. The real you as a Creative Soul is not made of dense matter but is a flowing matrix of light Energy that radiates out to the world. You are — a beautiful, magical, loving creative highly sensitive soul who is having an experience living in the physical body.
The "Living Energy System"
As a vibrational being you are an amazing and intricate web of invisible energies, frequencies and patterns of light that form to make up your own personal subtle energy system. I call this system, the "Living Energy System." The LES would appear to our vision as a beautiful cathedral of illuminated light flowing with swirling energies that surrounds the body. It is as individual as your own fingerprint. You could say that each one of us has their own personal harmonic vibrational signature. No two beings are alike!
The Living Energy System Consist of ...
Wonderful illuminated vibrational patterns and frequencies that dance, move, swirl, spin, cross over, have geometrical shapes, multiple colors, sound frequencies, cosmic intelligence, past life imprinting from known and unknown sources... this is what makes up and influences You as a highly sensitive soul.
Aspects of the Living Energy System Consist of ...
(1) The Aura, is what I call the Living Energy Field of Awareness... it is a sensory system that radiates our cathedral of light and magnificent brilliant personal vibrational blueprint out to the world.
(2) The Chakra System consists of 12 major spinning spiraling portals of light located throughout the central core of the body an other various points around the body.
(3) Central Ultrasonic Core Channel is a woven fast moving energy highway of transverse energies patterns that set-up the main foundation for the Chakra system. Maintaining a clear central core is as sustaining as life's breath.
(4) Transverse Energy Currents move from east to west around the body top to bottom and bottom to top. They emanate from the Central Ultrasonic Core Channel and are responsible for maintaining a calm nervous system.
(5) The Fire Spiral moves in a circular spiraling fashion beginning at the 3rd Chakra. A clear 3rd Chakra and fire spiral helps us ignite our soul's connection bringing our powerful presence of love, joy, and vital energies to our life. It is also known in other disciplines as the Hara and Dan Tien.
(6)The Air Pattern is a cleansing energetic pattern that maintains the integrity of the nervous system. When clean it transmits clear thoughts, balanced emotions and helps supports the souls mission. This pattern moves very fast and is as mutable as our ever-changing thoughts and emotions.
(7) Elemental Meridian long lines (see graphic above) is a system of illuminated light channels that are reflected in each organ systems, muscle, tissue and cell. The Chinese system has 12 main meridians that each correlate with a specific organ. The Polarity Model sees the long lines similar to meridians as places that hold and store memories of the life's story, the beliefs, feelings and emotions. A clear long line system fully supports our overall well-being.
(8)The Soul Energy is the part of you that continues from lifetime to lifetime. It is the infinite being that holds the consciousness from all your lifetimes, experiences, stories and is a bridge between the Divine Self and your personality. The essential soul's qualities only know love.
(9)Universal Consciousness
is the multidimensional part of ourselves that lives in the universal Ocean of the Unified Cosmic Consciousness. Some of us call this awareness the Creator, GOD, GODDESS, BUDDHA, Jehovah, Primordial Consciousness. For the names we call this source does not matter. We are all One!
This intricately woven "Living Energy System" resides within and is the sensory energetic system of the body. It has informed us, guided us, saved us, and vibrationally aligned us to the next steps along the path. The dynamic Quantum Living Energy System when in harmony creates a certain rhythmic flow to easily birth our soul's consciousness and our brilliance in the world.
Please Note: I will be going into more details in future blogs about the "Living Energy System." There will be upcoming workshops and on line tele-calls coming later in the Spring or early summer.
The Living Energy System and HSP'S
The Living Energy System and HSP'S
Because we are incredible flowing emotional sensitive beings that absorb the impressions of an ever- changing diverse world, we as HSP'S have a tendency to pick up energies that flow to us easily calling it our own. That is why it is important to take care and fine tune our Living Energy System; whenever we feel out of sorts, totally exhausted, over emotional and stuck. I found the tools from Energy Medicine and Donna' Edens cutting edge tools to be profoundly amazing. It has helped me shift in a few minutes from emotional overload to feeling expansively alive and well.
Energy Tip: It might help you to understand more about the LES by reading how emotions impact the life of an Empath and HSP. To Read More go to this link:
Energy Medicine Can Harmonize Your life
"Energy medicine is one of five domains of "complementary and alternative medicine" (CAM) identified by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in the United States.
Energy medicine often proposes that imbalances in the body's "energy field" result in illness, and that by re-balancing the body's energy-field health can be restored.[1]"
Quoted From Wikipedia:
Energy medicine easily complements other healing systems and can be a stand alone system in of itself. I have used the techniques from the Energy Medicine Model to support my health care needs for the last 15 years, and believe this can be a complete system for self-care and self-healing.
But what it is not designed to do, is to diagnosis dis-ease. As always... if you need help and treatment for a dis-ease please consult your health care practitioner. The tools and tips outlined on this blog are not a replacement for medical care.
Benefits of
Energy Medicine...
Begin by taking a few deep full breaths and let go of any stress in this moment.
(1)Tap on K-27 Points for 20 seconds. You can use both hands at the same time.
(2)Tap on the Thymus point for 20 seconds or longer. The heart area holds a lot of electro-magnetic energy.
(3) Tap on the Spleen Neuro-lumphatic points for 20 seconds.
When your done take a few deep breaths and notice how you feel. Do you feel more energized, balanced centered and more focused?
After the completion of this energy exercise it is best to wash your hands.
Five Minute Energy Routine
by Donna Eden
Energy Medicine...
- Helps Balance the Meridian System
- Releases Stored Emotions
- Supports and Provides Energy Instantly
- Stimulates Immune Function
- Relieves Headaches
- Improves Memory
- Enhances Digestive Functioning
- Clears Electro-Magnetic Overload
- Improve productivity
- Great Coping Mechanism for Stress
- Inspires Creativity
By learning simple energy techniques to keep the Living Energy System clear, aligned and humming you can improve your health, open your mind, connect with your highest soul's wisdom.
Boost Your Energy System in a Few Minutes
Begin by taking a few deep full breaths and let go of any stress in this moment.
(1)Tap on K-27 Points for 20 seconds. You can use both hands at the same time.
(2)Tap on the Thymus point for 20 seconds or longer. The heart area holds a lot of electro-magnetic energy.
(3) Tap on the Spleen Neuro-lumphatic points for 20 seconds.
When your done take a few deep breaths and notice how you feel. Do you feel more energized, balanced centered and more focused?
After the completion of this energy exercise it is best to wash your hands.
Five Minute Energy Routine
by Donna Eden
For More Information about Donna's work you can go to her website at
This has been a fun and inspirational week writing and designing this blog. I hope you find this inspirational and supportive to your life as an Empath and Highly Sensitive Soul.
Next week I will be posting Creative Living tip # 4 outlining vibrational energy medicine techniques for Highly Sensitive Souls.
Enjoy your week and if you have any questions please write me at:

It is no accident that you arrived here at the Sensitive Soul Network Blog as your exquisite intuition brought you to this rare body of knowledge and unique understanding. Congratulations on connecting with your inner-most heart and following the guidance of the soul.
Wishing you peace, love, joy and harmony in your little corner of the world.
It is no accident that you arrived here at the Sensitive Soul Network Blog as your exquisite intuition brought you to this rare body of knowledge and unique understanding. Congratulations on connecting with your inner-most heart and following the guidance of the soul.
Wishing you peace, love, joy and harmony in your little corner of the world.
xoxox Sollena
All Rights Reserved! You may use this piece for personal growth and support only. You may pass it on freely to friends while giving credit to the author and visionary artist. This article cannot be used for business, promotions, on websites, or in workshop setting. Thank You!
Author: Sollena K.Morginn
Visionary Artist: Teka Luttrell from the Soulconnection Network
This blog and its tips and tools are not intended to replace any medical interventions from a trained medical doctor.
This blog and its tips and tools are not intended to replace any medical interventions from a trained medical doctor.