The Emotions
Your Personal, Inner Guidance System According to the research conducted by Dr. Elaine Aron, HSPs have more blood flow to the right hemisphere of the brain than non-HSPs. This equates with being easily stimulated... or in psychological terms it is called "over arousal." Dr. Elaine's pioneering research has identified highly sensitive peoples' brain and nervous systems as being wired differently.
If you would like to read more about Dr. Elaine Aron's research please go to her website at:
The Molecules of Emotions
In psychology and in ordinary language: "emotion" is a term that is used to describe a feeling or the mood of a person. Examples that we all experience are: love, joy, gratitude, acceptance, hate, anger, rage, depression, fear, sorrow and frustration. We are similar in the ways we express our emotions, however, highly sensitive people tend to feel more deeply than non-HSPs.
Emotions colorize our world. We experience them connected to our thoughts, feelings, memories and senses. Our sensitive nervous system receives a flood of incoming information that is sent to the brain via electro-chemical messages that moves throughout the whole body.
Although emotions are generally considered to be more transient than moods, emotional states within ourselves are sometimes unobservable. HSP'S sometimes cannot discern their feelings and emotional states could be coming from another person.

Here's What Happens!
The human brain consists of more than a billion neural cells that process information. Each cell works like a simple processor and their parallel processing makes the brain's abilities possible.
Below is graphic representation of a firing neural network.
The brain builds it's concepts by the law of associative memory.
For example: Ideas, thoughts and memories are constructed within the neural nets. We then build our concepts and form a group of ideas that become beliefs. Our own perceptions and experiences create our own unique life story.
Neural nets store associative memories, specific feelings, events and stories that repeat over and over again. When a certain part of the brain gets stimulated, chemicals release throughout the body. Those chemicals create our emotional states of being. They form patterns of emotionally-charged memories, beliefs and thoughts that we think over and over again. These ever-repeating patterns often become the emotional fabric of our lives. They are important because they inform us of how we are feeling.
How do you Transform Negative Thinking?
If you partake from the same banquet of negative emotions each day, you are creating a long term identity with that emotion.
For example: If you react and become angry, frustrated, full of rage, or sad each and every day, you are stimulating and strengthening the neural pathways. This is how these pathways form an identity that you come to believe is you. When you live the story of an angry person, and have the thoughts of an angry person, you cause the neural nets to fire and their angry chemicals to flow throughout the body and mind.
But remember from my earlier writings: the angry thoughts that you are experiencing may not even be yours. You are an empath! You pick up other people's thoughts and feelings as easy as breathing.
Some Simple Steps...
When the negative emotions arise, choose something different. Don't react, act out, or speak those feelings out loud because most often those emotions don't belong to you.
• Pause
• Take a deep breath
• Wait a few moments... become proactive, not reactive
All negative emotions are based in fear ... but our journey as Highly Sensitive Souls are on the pathways of love.
I know this sounds like a caveat for what seems to be a very challenging task. But it really works. By interrupting your thought process and just observing the misaligned thoughts... you become more conscious and have the ability to create new harmonious emotional responses.
The Emotional Guidance System
Emotions can be thought of as our very own personal "guiding system" that signals to us what is going on internally. They can also help us choose new pathways that create harmonic frequencies resonating with peace, joy, love and vibrant health. Tuning-into your emotional guidance system is the key to intentionally creating new, highly desirable healthy states of being.
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You are Creating Your Day...
When you are negative, angry, irritated and pessimistic, you are cutting yourself off from all the infinite possibilities that are available to you.
When you (as a physical being) ask for a personal improvement, when you dream of becoming a new and better person, your soul says, “Yes!” ... and It actually becomes the vibrational match of the new and improved you. There is no waiting around.
Highly Sensitive Souls are able to empathize and understand what people are going through. But, the down side is that we can become a vibrational match to other people's energy systems and take on their emotions, moods, pain and other physical maladies that seem to be our own. This can send us into sensory overload in a moment.
Use the power of thought to stimulate positive emotions
Close your eyes and imagine feeling depressed, hopeless and stuck. You are homeless, don't know what to do or how to survive. Notice, how you feel? Most of us sense a heaviness in our body and can easily feel overwhelmed by the sudden change within.
You can choose to shift this by saying this simple mantra over and over again during the day. What Else is Possible for My Life? The Universe always answers.
Observe, choose and create something different.
Again: Close your eyes and imagine you are in pure joy! You love life and you are free to be, to do, or to have anything that you desire. You are free from all worries, financial hardships and poor health.
Imagine you have just won the lottery! ... fell in love, held your new baby for the first time.
Now compare these positive feelings with the negative ones that you experienced just moment ago. Amazing contrast, isn't it?
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How do you feel?
Are you excited and in gratitude? Are you beginning to expand and feel lighter in your body? Feeling a little more relaxed and have a sense of well-being? The feeling of relief washes over you and everything shifts from the heavier more dense emotions to the lighter ones. Imagine your life being like this all the time!
Pay attention and notice your emotions. Notice your body when you feel happy, peaceful and calm. This is the vibrational place you want to carry into your life each day. Positive words, feelings and emotions shifts your nervous system to a higher level of harmony and peace. This is how to create magnificent infinite worlds of abundance. Be in and receive Grate-Full-Ness in your life.
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Introducing the Vibrational Emotional Scale
We are the masters of our emotions and learning how to move from negative emotions into higher, healthier more positive states of consciousness can create new worlds.
The primary way that the always-positive, loving soul communicates with you and guides you, is through the emotions that you feel and experience. This is called the "Emotional Guidance System."
Vibrational Emotional Scale
Observe the emotional scale below... notice the colors of each zone. They represent vibrational frequencies and feelings contained within a similar color range. The higher frequency colors (yellow, green, turquoise, blue and pink), symbolize emotions that feel good and carry a higher energy, more inspiration and positive creativity into your life.
The lower frequency color zones of brown, red, gray and black symbolize emotions that contract the energy system and carry a lower vibrational energy. These manifest as negative thoughts and creations by their very nature.
When you are feeling love, joy, passion and flowing with your highest excitement, you have greater access to your abilities as a Creator.
The task is to become excited about life, live your dreams and generate the energy of love, joy, gratitude and well-being as much as possible. These emotions are located in the pink-lavender and turquoise zone above. They reflect the essential nature of the loving joyful soul.
If, at this time, you cannot instantly move to a higher vibrational frequency on the scale, that’s perfectly OK ... just intentionally be willing to create new realities. Each step will give you more relief until you are able to stabilize and become the joy, the gratitude, the love, the harmony and be at peace in all moments. Anything is possible!
Ways to Shift Your Vibration...
1. Make a commitment to feel your emotions... don't suppress them.
2. Watch funny movies... this will shift you into another Universe.
4. Breathe, relax and surrender. Take some time out just for you. Life can be challenging on many days ... however, you always have the power to choose something different. It is up to you!
5. Create a mantra from one of the question below. I have used many that I learned in Access Conscious training. By creating a question and repeating it several times throughout the day, it opens you to receive the answer. The good news is you don't have to try to answer the question. You allow the Universe to give you the answer and reveal the possibilies.
Here are a few examples. Say these phrases 30 times a day for the next three days. Watch what happens!
a. What else is possible for my life?
b. How can I become the
vibrational energy that can shift
and transform ____________
in a nano-second?
c. What choice could I make
today that would make
my life easier?
6. Drink purified water. Sometimes just a little hydration really makes a difference. When people are low on H20, the energy does not flow as well. People who are not hydrated well can not be muscle tested.
7. Rest, rest, rest. If there was one thing from this list to pick from... this would be it. Highly Sensitive Souls need lots of rest. A short nap or alone time each day can do wonders.
8. Stay away from TV that is violent, too emotionally draining and the News. The news can change your emotions in a second.
See what happens when you begin incorporating some of these quick easy tips into your life. Notice how you feel. Are you happier? Do you feel lighter and more vibrant?
Lighten-up and have fun with this next exercise.
Evolution of Dance -- By Judson Laipply
Enjoy this fun dance piece... it is so incredibly funny. No matter how many times I watch this it is still one of my favorite pieces. This can really move you into another emotional space quickly.Evolution of Dance -- By Judson Laipply
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Next week I will be posting Creative Living tip #3 outlining vibrational energy techniques for Highly Sensitive Souls.
Enjoy your week and if you have any questions please write me at:

It is no accident that you arrived here at the Sensitive Soul Network Blog as your exquisite intuition brought you to this rare body of knowledge and unique understanding. Congratulations on connecting with your inner-most heart and following the guidance of the soul.
Wishing you peace, love, joy and harmony in your little corner of the world.
It is no accident that you arrived here at the Sensitive Soul Network Blog as your exquisite intuition brought you to this rare body of knowledge and unique understanding. Congratulations on connecting with your inner-most heart and following the guidance of the soul.
Wishing you peace, love, joy and harmony in your little corner of the world.
xoxox Sollena
All Rights Reserved! You may use this piece for personal support only. You may pass it on freely to friends while giving credit to the author and visionary artist. This article cannot be used for business, promotions, on websites, or in workshop without permission. Thank You!
Author: Sollena K.Morginn
Visionary Artist: Teka Luttrell