You are a Vibrational Being Living in a Vibrational Universe.
Your enlightened nature as a Highly Sensitive Soul uses your physical body-mind-emotional complex and telepathic abilities to touch, feel, smell, see, and to intuitively navigate and experience this world.
The real you as a Creative Soul is not made of dense matter but is a flowing cathedral of light energy, patterns and frequencies that radiate out to the environment. You are here as a beautiful, magical, loving creative Highly Sensitive Person who is experiencing life in this physical body.
Your thoughts, feelings, memories and beliefs are not isolated elements that you alone have designed and have kept to yourself — they are energetic impulses that fan-out and interact with the universal quantum field, the environment, and other beings on the planet. Highly Sensitive Souls respond to the experiences of life through feelings, emotions, thoughts, imagination and dreams. Each of these is a holographic world of vibrational stories that attract to you moment by moment what flows in and out of your life.
You are a Vibrational Being with a Living Energy System™
As a vibrational being you are an amazing and intricate web of invisible energies, frequencies and patterns of light that compose the Living Energy System™ (LES).
The LES would appear to our vision as a beautiful cathedral of illuminated light flowing with swirling energies that pulse out from the body. You are made of energy, vibrational patterns and frequencies that dance, move, swirl, spin, and crisscross throughout the body. These patterns can even appear in geometrical shapes, be a multitude of colors and sound frequencies that are all filled with the essence of the divine cosmic intelligence from the Creator. Each cell contains every memory, story and past life imprinting that makes up and influences you as a Highly Sensitive Soul.
When you are happy, joyful and in your creative power, your LES remains clear, vibrant, bright and flowing. Your aura is expansive, brilliant and clear, you are experiencing the life your heart desires.
If you pick up disharmonious energies that are heavy, fearful, depressing, sad, and in dis-ease, the aura will contract and pulls in to protect you and your inner world. As an empath and HSP it is easy to attract other people's frequencies if your LES in not strong, clear, aligned and flowing in harmony.
You could say that each being has their own individual harmonic signature much like your own fingerprint. No two beings are alike!
The LES would appear to our vision as a beautiful cathedral of illuminated light flowing with swirling energies that pulse out from the body. You are made of energy, vibrational patterns and frequencies that dance, move, swirl, spin, and crisscross throughout the body. These patterns can even appear in geometrical shapes, be a multitude of colors and sound frequencies that are all filled with the essence of the divine cosmic intelligence from the Creator. Each cell contains every memory, story and past life imprinting that makes up and influences you as a Highly Sensitive Soul.
When you are happy, joyful and in your creative power, your LES remains clear, vibrant, bright and flowing. Your aura is expansive, brilliant and clear, you are experiencing the life your heart desires.
This intricately woven Living Energy System™ resides within and is the energetic sensory system of the body. It has informed us, guided us, saved us, and vibrationally aligned us to the next steps along the eternal path of life. When in harmony, this dynamic quantum energy system creates a certain rhythmic flow to easily birth our soul’s consciousness and our brilliance in this world
You could say that each being has their own individual harmonic signature much like your own fingerprint. No two beings are alike!
The Living Energy System of HSPs
Because we are incredibly emotionally sensitive beings that absorb the impressions of an ever-changing diverse world, we as HSPs have a tendency to pick-up energies that easily flow to us, and we feel those energies are our own. That is why it is important to take care and fine-tune our Living Energy System whenever we feel out of sorts, exhausted, overly emotional or stuck. Stay tuned for additional information on how to completely transform your life with new tools and processes from the model I call, Conscious Evolutionary Alignment.
Conscious Evolutionary Alignment™
I have created a new energy-based system called, Conscious Evolutionary Alignment™. CEA is a cutting-edge self-healing system that teaches people to become empowered and aware that they are an energetic being. This model offers simple tools, techniques and processes to help you manage and shift energy patterns and frequencies, so that you can create and live an amazing, abundant life. If you would like to know more about this work or receive a session, please click this link: Energetic Bodywork Sessions.
Conscious Evolutionary Alignment™ can help you to really shift — not just your thoughts — but also your body-mind-soul energies to new and different Universes. CEA gives you an energetic map and new directions of how to flow and transform your life with ease. Working with this system each day, through its simple exercises, can align you to create the highest vision for your life. More information on how to shift these patterns in future postings.
CEA is especially great for increasing creativity, maintaining vibrant health, living your soul's mission, creating abundance and it is fantastic to support HSPs and empaths to maintain a healthy clear LES.

Abraham says, “That in which is liken to itself is drawn this is the Law of Attraction.” So what shows up in your Universe is merely a reflection of the what you are vibrating. Knowing how to consciously work with your Living Energy System is like magic ... it shifts everything.
As an energetic being you have the power to light-up an entire city for a week. So what’s stopping you?
Conscious Evolutionary Alignment™ can help you to really shift — not just your thoughts — but also your body-mind-soul energies to new and different Universes. CEA gives you an energetic map and new directions of how to flow and transform your life with ease. Working with this system each day, through its simple exercises, can align you to create the highest vision for your life. More information on how to shift these patterns in future postings.
CEA is especially great for increasing creativity, maintaining vibrant health, living your soul's mission, creating abundance and it is fantastic to support HSPs and empaths to maintain a healthy clear LES.
Energy flows where attention goes
What comes into your life is attracted to you through the Law of Resonance. The Law of Resonance says “like attracts like.” Realizing this, opens you to become more aware that your thoughts, feelings and stories are vibrational fields that pull to you the people, places and things that are the same vibrational match as you are.

Abraham says, “That in which is liken to itself is drawn this is the Law of Attraction.” So what shows up in your Universe is merely a reflection of the what you are vibrating. Knowing how to consciously work with your Living Energy System is like magic ... it shifts everything.
As an energetic being you have the power to light-up an entire city for a week. So what’s stopping you?
- Are you ready to live your full potency, but you sometimes feel stuck?
- What would it be like if you could perceive, know and receive the fullness of you? ... a generative, fun, joyfully inspirational creative being.
- What energy, vibration and frequency do you need to be, to receive wonderful intuitive telepathic messages that would open you to create the most amazing days?
In the weeks ahead I will be outlining simple exercises to help you clear, repair and shift energetic patterns that have kept you stuck in the same old story, and show you how to create and generate a life beyond what you have always dreamed of.
Are you ready for a new way of being?
Energetic Anatomy of the Living Energy System
(1) The Aura is a magnetic Living Energy Field of Consciousness... an energetic sensory system that radiates our cathedral of light and magnificent vibrational blueprint to the world. It consist of many multi-dimensional layers of illuminated energy that surrounds the body. The Aura sends and receives information out to people who you are connected to, as well as those in the local physical environment and the Universe. The Aura is in constant dynamic change — and is a reflection of the energetic map of the mind’s stories and body’s present biology. It contains and sustains our vital life-force energies.
(2) The Chakra System consists of 12 major spinning, spiraling portals of light located throughout the Central Ultrasonic Core of the body and on other points around the body.
The whirling and spinning motion of each Chakra draws in the frequencies of a particular vibration and also sends out the vibrational frequencies that are the strongest, much like a radio station broadcasts it’s messages. Your personal programming is the same as a radio station: every thought, emotion and story holds a particular vibrational rate and they are being broadcast through your Chakra System via the Living Energy System.
What story are you broadcasting?
What story are you broadcasting?
Over the last several years, while working with clients, I was guided to expand my energetic work beyond the realm of the traditional 7 Chakra model to include 12 Chakras. Two years ago it became apparent that the Living Energy System was quickly evolving just at our dearly beloved Mother Earth has. As She shifts, changes and transforms, so do we.
(3) Central Ultrasonic Core is a woven energy highway of spiraling energies, patterns and harmonic frequencies that set the main foundation for the Chakra system and balances the male and female aspects of our being. Maintaining a clear Central Core is as sustaining as life's breath.
According to the Ayurvedic model, the Central Ultrasonic Core is called the Shushumna Nadi consisting of three currents:
- Ida Current is a spiraling feminine energy responsible for our emotional frequencies.
- Pingala Current is the spiraling masculine energy that holds the aspect of mind energy within the Central Core Channel.
- Sushumna is a neutral current that connects us to pure spirit. This main Nadi consists of all three currents that spiral up through the spinal cord to the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
(4) The Air Pattern are spinning transverse energy currents that go from east to west around the body, top to bottom, bottom to top, inside and out. The Air Pattern unites the inner thoughts and feelings of the soul, sending their vibrations out to the world. These currents emanate from the Central Ultrasonic Core and are responsible for maintaining a calm, clear nervous system and balanced emotions.
Please Note: The Air Pattern shifts as easily as our thoughts ... so maintaining and clearing the Air Pattern often can really help you feel happier, more peaceful and calm. This pattern reflects our ever-changing nervous system.
Please Note: The Air Pattern shifts as easily as our thoughts ... so maintaining and clearing the Air Pattern often can really help you feel happier, more peaceful and calm. This pattern reflects our ever-changing nervous system.
(5) The Fire Spiral is an outward-spinning energy that originates from the neutral center, the umbilicus, which is another name for the belly button. When activated it energizes the body and creates warmth. It connects with the solar plexus center, the (3rd Chakra) and ignites our highest soul’s purpose. The Air Pattern’s vital energies brings warmth to the body... like a slow, steady burning fire. It’s qualities are: directed, determined expression of focused movement. It is also known in other disciplines as the Hara and Dan Tien.
(6) Elemental Meridian Long Lines are passageways of illuminated light channels for the life force energy to enter the body.
"They lie between the Etheric and physical bodies and directly effect the nervous and circulatory systems. They connect to different acupuncture points on the body. Held in place by the bio-electrical energy of the neurological system and circulatory system creating a mild electro-magnetic field which carries life force between the two systems." — Quoted From Gurudas
The Chinese Acupuncture System has 12 main meridians that nourish and energize the human body. Each meridian correlates with a specific organ.
In Polarity Therapy we work with the long lines and each line reflects a different element: ether or space, air, fire, water and earth. They are similar to the Chinese Meridian System as they hold memories of the life’s story, the beliefs, feelings and emotions. A clear long line system fully supports our overall well-being.
In Polarity Therapy we work with the long lines and each line reflects a different element: ether or space, air, fire, water and earth. They are similar to the Chinese Meridian System as they hold memories of the life’s story, the beliefs, feelings and emotions. A clear long line system fully supports our overall well-being.
(7) The Soul Energy is the part of you that continues from lifetime to lifetime. It is the Infinite Soul that holds the consciousness from all your existences, experiences, stories and is a bridge between the Divine Self and your personality. The essential soul’s qualities are love, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, courage, and wisdom.
(8) Universal Consciousness is the multidimensional part of ourselves that lives within us and that is, actually, connected to everything the whole Universe. Some call this presence the Creator, Source Energy, God, Goddess, Christ Consciousness, the Buddha Field and/or Jehovah. The names that we call this Source does not matter. We are all connected and we are One!
(8) Universal Consciousness is the multidimensional part of ourselves that lives within us and that is, actually, connected to everything the whole Universe. Some call this presence the Creator, Source Energy, God, Goddess, Christ Consciousness, the Buddha Field and/or Jehovah. The names that we call this Source does not matter. We are all connected and we are One!
As a Registered Polarity Therapist and Energetic Body-Worker, I’ve worked with crystals, clear quartz crystals and crystal bowls for decades. They provide a very soothing, nurturing, loving energy that can easily shift you to new realities.
Hope You Enjoy this Video!
Crystal Bowl Clearing
Energy Tip: It might help you to understand more about the LES by reading how emotions impact the life of an empath and HSP. To Read More go to Creative Living Tip #2, The Emotions.
Please Note: Next week I will be going into more details that outline tools and tips to help balance the Living Energy System. There will also be upcoming workshops and online tele-classes for those HSPs and Empaths that would like to learn how to incorporate this information into their daily lives.
It is no accident that you arrived here at the Sensitive Soul Network Blog as your exquisite intuition brought you to this rare body of knowledge and unique understanding. Congratulations on connecting with your inner-most heart and following the guidance of the soul.
Wishing you peace, love, joy and harmony in your little corner of the world.
xoxox Sollena
Enjoy your week and if you have any questions please write me at:
Phone: 928-639-2272 Mountain Time
All Rights Reserved! You may use this piece for personal growth and support only. You may pass it on freely to friends while giving credit to the author and visionary artist. This article cannot be used for business, promotions, on websites, or in workshop setting. Thank You!
Author: Sollena K.Morginn
Visionary Artist: Teka Luttrell from The Soulconnection Network
Website: Sensitive Souls Network
All Other Art: From Google Images
This blog and its tips and tools are not intended to replace any medical interventions from a trained medical doctor.
All Other Art: From Google Images
This blog and its tips and tools are not intended to replace any medical interventions from a trained medical doctor.