Creative Living Tips for
Highly Sensitive Souls
Highly Sensitive Souls
I invite you to join me as we explore new ways to help you live a life of peace and harmony. Each week there will be simple creative tips, tools and processes that can support your growth and catapult you into another Universe. You can explore and learn some new simple and fun ways to balance your energy system, and be supported on your path for the beautiful soul that ignites you and is creatively inspirational.
During the last several weeks, I have had the pleasure to converse with several HSP's and found that almost always, HSP's and Empaths seem to struggle with day to day living and just don't know what to do. Most of time they have felt overwhelmed and feel challenged to stay centered and grounded.
Does this sound like you?
If so, I can help you learn some really fun quick self-healing and energy balancing tools that will create New Worlds for you.
Are you ready to begin? Then lets get started!
As Empaths and Highly Sensitive Souls, we have a tendency to feel and take on other people's emotions, thoughts, feelings as deeply than our own. When we do, we become emotional sponges that have overloaded our nervous system by taking other people's energies all day long.
Some Things We Can Experience
- Did you ever find it is too much to be in large groups of people for too long?
- Do feel wonderfully expansive and all of a sudden feel like you were hit with a lead balloon feeling anxious, overwhelmed, sad, depressed and exhausted?
- Does your work space feel confining, overwhelming and cramped? Is there too much noise, too much talking and does negative gossip pull you in?
- Could your emotional spin be due to people's uneasy energies?
- Could the vibrational frequencies of humanity's global suffering be pulling you down?
- Could you be sensing something is coming? A shift of Earth's magnetic grid creating some cosmic event?
In the beginning of my journey it was a challenge for me to discern and know that what I was feeling did not even belong to me. For a highly sensitive person it becomes paramount to learn to use conscious tools that allows you to expand your living energy system.
Have You Ever Said
"What Just Happened?"
If this feels like you... you probably have taken on other peoples' emotional distortions. But there is hope! ... and I can help you learn ways to feel lighter and to feel more joyful for longer periods of time. With the tools and processes you can learn each week can help support you, so you no longer feel like you have been dragged through the wringer.
Become Aware & Tune-in
Become empowered and tune in, what are you sensing and feeling? Do you identify feelings of sadness, depression, sudden overwhelming feelings along with emotions of anger, frustration, and other distortions?
Again: the general idea is that the feelings, thoughts and energies from others shift your nervous system and make the living energy system go down. You are an Empath -- a highly telepathic, super-sensitive, spiritual being -- and many of the things that you are sensing simply do not originate from you. Your incredible sensitivity allow you to pick-up, view the feelings, energies, thoughts, and dreams of others. This might explain why, sometimes, all of a sudden you go from feeling happy to feeling sad, or angry ... and everything in your sensory field of awareness seems to quickly go out of balance.
You might also be the type of person who experiences body sensations that are heavy, achy, tired, painful and take on headache's from others with the work that you do. This is especially true of body-workers, massage practitioners, counselors and other healing guides that are Empaths or HSPs.
If you would like to know more about HSP's go to See the section "About HSPs."
The good news is: you can. You can feel lighter. You can feel more grounded when you intentionally return all the body and emotional "stuff" directly back to the sender, or to the event or place that it originated from.
Connect within ... tune into what you are feeling. What are you sensing in your body? Do you have an awareness of when you psychically and energetically shifted into this place?
Slow down and take the time to listen to the meditative music for as long and as often as you wish. When you are ready just move onto the next step.
I return these __________________ (fill in the blank with the feelings and emotions that you are experiencing, that are not yours) to the sender, to the event or the Earth with love, peace and loving consciousness that is far greater than it manifested through me.
Say this 3 times or until you feel lighter.
Do I feel the same or lighter or heavier? If you feel a little lighter and it hasn't fully cleared, you can repeat this exercise several more times until you feel complete. When you feel lighter your are done. It is just that easy! Yeah you did it. Congratulations!
I release all of the vibrational frequencies and imprinting from my body, my mind, my energy bodies and my nervous system back to _______________ (fill in the blank). I send it back with peace and loving consciousness that is far greater that it manifested through me.
Say this 3 times or until you feel lighter.
I must say this one little exercise works great most of the time however, what I noticed when things are really stressful and there are a lot of sudden changes in my life, I do require additional down time and implement more self-healing protocols daily. What seems to work its magic is rest, balanced whole foods diet, being empowered to say No to things that don't feel inspiring, distance healing energy sessions and light massage. You will find the way that best supports your life.
What I would like to share with you about this simple exercise is that you don't even have to know who the sender or senders are, the home or the Earth or global event that created it.
You know the Earth is shifting and are aware of the climatic changes that we are experiencing every day. If you are Empathic Sensitive Soul who is connected deeply to the Earth energies through ceremonial work that you do, you might be feeling the planet-wide shifting more profoundly in your brain and nervous system than most of the global population.
Through your intuitive awareness over time you will realize when your energy system shifted became overloaded causing you to feel really off balance. Your job is to tune in, take care of yourself and know there is nothing wrong with you Realize you are a highly sensitive person who is really a sensitive being with wonderful gifts to share with the world. The more you continue to do this exercise the more you will become aware and the better you will feel.
Again: the general idea is that the feelings, thoughts and energies from others shift your nervous system and make the living energy system go down. You are an Empath -- a highly telepathic, super-sensitive, spiritual being -- and many of the things that you are sensing simply do not originate from you. Your incredible sensitivity allow you to pick-up, view the feelings, energies, thoughts, and dreams of others. This might explain why, sometimes, all of a sudden you go from feeling happy to feeling sad, or angry ... and everything in your sensory field of awareness seems to quickly go out of balance.
You might also be the type of person who experiences body sensations that are heavy, achy, tired, painful and take on headache's from others with the work that you do. This is especially true of body-workers, massage practitioners, counselors and other healing guides that are Empaths or HSPs.
If you would like to know more about HSP's go to See the section "About HSPs."
Would You Like to
Feel More Centered? The good news is: you can. You can feel lighter. You can feel more grounded when you intentionally return all the body and emotional "stuff" directly back to the sender, or to the event or place that it originated from.
Empower Yourself!
Create Something Different!
Relax and Reboot
- Find a quiet peaceful private place just for you where you can relax and tune into your body. Let go of your mind's "to do list" and open your heart and soul.
- Take a few deep heart-centered breaths and relax the best you can.
- Settle in and take a few moments to listen to your inner world. Expand out and see yourself as you want yourself to be.
Connect within ... tune into what you are feeling. What are you sensing in your body? Do you have an awareness of when you psychically and energetically shifted into this place?
Slow down and take the time to listen to the meditative music for as long and as often as you wish. When you are ready just move onto the next step.
Begin by asking Simple Questions
If you feel heavy, out of sorts and suddenly overwhelmed, 99.9% of the time ... those feelings do not belong to you. You may or may not be able to decipher the who, what or where those feelings came from. Knowing who the feelings belong to is not important. You do not need to "figure it out."
Just ask~
If you feel heavy, out of sorts and suddenly overwhelmed, 99.9% of the time ... those feelings do not belong to you. You may or may not be able to decipher the who, what or where those feelings came from. Knowing who the feelings belong to is not important. You do not need to "figure it out."
Just ask~
- Is this mine or someone else's?
- Does this belong to me, the Earth or my workplace?
Check in and Return them to Sender
I return these __________________ (fill in the blank with the feelings and emotions that you are experiencing, that are not yours) to the sender, to the event or the Earth with love, peace and loving consciousness that is far greater than it manifested through me.
I return my fear of a economic disaster to humanity and to the Earth with loving consciousness far greater than it manifested through me.
I return my fear of a economic disaster to humanity and to the Earth with loving consciousness far greater than it manifested through me.
Say this 3 times or until you feel lighter.
Next, Observe and Ask:
"How do I feel?"
Do I feel the same or lighter or heavier? If you feel a little lighter and it hasn't fully cleared, you can repeat this exercise several more times until you feel complete. When you feel lighter your are done. It is just that easy! Yeah you did it. Congratulations!
Release the Energetic Imprinting
I release all of the vibrational frequencies and imprinting from my body, my mind, my energy bodies and my nervous system back to _______________ (fill in the blank). I send it back with peace and loving consciousness that is far greater that it manifested through me.
Say this 3 times or until you feel lighter.
I must say this one little exercise works great most of the time however, what I noticed when things are really stressful and there are a lot of sudden changes in my life, I do require additional down time and implement more self-healing protocols daily. What seems to work its magic is rest, balanced whole foods diet, being empowered to say No to things that don't feel inspiring, distance healing energy sessions and light massage. You will find the way that best supports your life.
What I would like to share with you about this simple exercise is that you don't even have to know who the sender or senders are, the home or the Earth or global event that created it.
You know the Earth is shifting and are aware of the climatic changes that we are experiencing every day. If you are Empathic Sensitive Soul who is connected deeply to the Earth energies through ceremonial work that you do, you might be feeling the planet-wide shifting more profoundly in your brain and nervous system than most of the global population.
Through your intuitive awareness over time you will realize when your energy system shifted became overloaded causing you to feel really off balance. Your job is to tune in, take care of yourself and know there is nothing wrong with you Realize you are a highly sensitive person who is really a sensitive being with wonderful gifts to share with the world. The more you continue to do this exercise the more you will become aware and the better you will feel.
If you still feel heavy you may need some additional down time incorporating more rest, water, and nutrients. Deeper processing with a professional who is trained in understanding Empaths and HSP'S might be what is needed.
If you would like to work with me you can find a link to my services below. I also will be offering playshops in the near future that are designed especially for HSPs.
Please click the link below to find out more!
Enlightened Insights
When I do this exercise and return the energy back to sender and follow the steps above, I also add this Chakra balancing piece:
The third Chakra is also called the solar plexus and is located below the ribs and above the navel in the middle of the abdomen. I physically take my hands and pull the energy out of my power Chakra, or 3rd Chakra, while saying the statement in Part 1, above.
For creating a light and more balanced vibration, this advanced tip works magnificently with my personal energy system.
How often do I do this Exercise?
Do this as many times during the day that you feel you need to. There is never a certain number of repetitions that you have to do ... follow your own inner guidance system.
The writings here in this blog are just guidelines. Feel and know what is right for you and go with it! Know that your own highest awareness will guide you on your chosen path.
PS: This has really-really worked for me over the past decade. I learned a version of this exercise in my Polarity and Access Consciousness trainings and have created my own format here.
Next week I will be posting Creative Living tip #2. Enjoy your week and if you have any questions please write me at:
Wishing you Love, Joy and Peace in your little corner of the world.