Thursday, May 5, 2011

Introduction to Access Consciousness

Tools for  Conscious Transformation

 Access Consciousness — is a simple set of tools, techniques and philosophies that offers easy ways to clear the energies of limitation, allowing you to create new, positive, expansive and exciting possibilities for your life. It also teaches us that we can shift our Universe in a nano-second just by asking a  question ... and then choosing something different.

Access Consciousness Trailer 

  •  Would you be willing to have the whole Universe contribute to you?  
  • What if your are a brilliant infinite being that can open gateways of possibilities each moment, with ease and grace?
  • What if judging you creates limitations that keeps you stuck in the feelings and emotions of your story?

Consciousness Rejects Nothing...

Consciousness judges nothing and is the oneness of all of life and all there is.  Imagine living every moment of your life, without judgment of yourself or others. What would that be like?  The tools from Access Consciousness can help you awaken to the possibilities for your life more than you could of ever imagine.  By you choosing You allows a whole new Universe to show up. 

What If you don't have a point of view about anything and could receive everything for what it is ... not for what you want it to be? Than you would be in total allowance of everything!

Living in awareness offers you the ability to create everything that you desire greater than what you currently have and more than what you can imagine. What do you choose?

Tools to Create a Whole New Universe

Do you experience thoughts that send you on an emotional roller coaster ride? Do you believe that those thoughts are yours?  What if most of what you think, feel and perceive are thoughts and ideas that belong to someone else? Really is that so?

If you were like me, you probably lived your life taking on other people's thoughts, beliefs and feelings, and perceived they are your own.  Right? Guess what, what if 98% of the emotional places you feel are not yours.  What if I told you all of these feelings, emotions and thoughts created the life you now live.  Is that working for you?  By thinking this way and reacting to the habitual patterns gave you no space to really know, you.   

What if there could be another choice? What if life could be a whole lot easier? What if you could transform these energies on your own each day? 
Here is your ticket to move to another Universe. 
  • What if I could share with you  an  incredibly easy, simple and effective tool that just took seconds each day?  
  •  What if you are millions of times more psychic than you realize and the vast majority of all the thoughts, feelings and emotions that you assume to be created by yourself ... are not your thoughts at all?
    I know from my own experience that many of these tools are simple, effective and easy to use. They will give you way more space, more freedom to know and observe your life in a different way.  These tools can instantly transform things within minutes, sometimes seconds.  How?  All you have to do is ask a simple question.  Be willing to transform.  You don't even have to find the answer to the question.   That is the Universes job!

    The questions are invitations to a whole new possibility.  When we ask, How does it get better than this?  We are asking the Universe to show us... how it gets better and better and better.  Keep asking and see what happens! Begin with asking the following questions and see what happens.
    • How Does it Get Better Than This?
    • Who Does this Belong to?
    • What awareness am I having here that I am not acknowledging?

    Release the Limitation with the Clearing Statement

    Learn Access and  you will learn this fun wild and wacky  "clearing statement" that Access Consciousness developed for their course work decades ago. It is designed to release the energy that got stuck when you made a decision, judgment, computation that created a energy pattern in the Universe of limitations.

    The purpose of the Clearing Statement is to bring up as much energy of the limitation as possibleand then blast it out to another Universe.

    Here is How it Works
    • Ask a Question
    • Be willing to release what comes up with the clearing statement.
    • Use this clearing on as many things that have you stuck and limited.  

    I find the more I use the tools the clearer I become. If you want to learn more, are intrigued, curious... come a receive a session from me. Join us at a Bars workshop and make a choice to receive more you you.  I believe it will change your world!  But it is all up to you.

    Make the choice, take the step and live powerfully!
    This is the link to learning more about the clearing Statement.  It is a wacky statement but fun and playful.  I can tell you it works.  Please listen to the audio recording below.  The recording will give you a much clearer and more logical explanation.  Your brain will love that!

    The shortened version of the clearing statement is POC and POD.
    The words, POC and POD are acronyms for "point of creation" (POC) and "point of destruction" or (POD). This is the shortened version of Clearing Statement. 

    If you want to learn more about Access Conscious and the Clearing Statement, just go to the Access Consciousness website and click on this link: Clearing Statement.  This is a recording of Dr. Dain Heer who explicitly explains it in a fun and light-hearted way.

    Access Bodywork Sessions and Workshops

    There are body work processes and workshops that are very supportive and help in my point of view to open new gateways of being.  They can help you let go of the constant thoughts, feelings and beliefs that seem to run your life. 

    Access Consciousness Bars sessions. The Bars  workshop is  a training anyone can learn and is taught in a one-day format.  To find out more please scroll down you will find  more information.

     Website and Workshop Links

    Would you like to experience  more possibility, more joy where life just gets easier and easier?  Receive your Free 20-minutes Access Consciousness follow-up session after you purchase one session.
    If you are ready for something different, mind blowing and desire being in a whole new  Universe...I invite you to click these links to find out more about receiving an intro Bars Session or to take a Bars Workshop.

    Sollena K. Morginn is a trained Facilitator of the Access Consciousness Bars Workshop Process.  She teaches in  Sedona, Arizona and other locations in the USA.  

    Massage and Polarity practitioners will receive 8 CEU'S in this one day workshop.  

    For more information and to host a workshop. 
    Call: 928-639-2272

    For a  "Bars Intro Session" please click these links:
    It is no accident that you arrived here at the Sensitive Soul Network Blog as your exquisite intuition brought you to this rare body of knowledge and unique understanding. Congratulations on connecting with your inner-most heart and following the guidance of your soul.

    Wishing you ease, joy and infinite abundance in your little corner of the world.

    With Love and Joy, Sollena


    All Rights Reserved! You may use this piece for personal support only. You may pass it on freely to friends while giving credit to the author and visionary artist.  This article cannot be used for business, promotions, on websites, or in workshop without permission.  Thank You!

    Author: Sollena K.Morginn
    Visionary Artist: Teka Luttrell